Wilton and I went to see "The Queen" yesterday. There was a trailer for an upcoming Peter O'toole film called "Venus". It looks fantasic and he gets to play off of brillant older actors Richard Griffiths and Vanessa Redgrave as well as his young co-star, Jodie Whittaker.
You can see the trailer for "Venus" here.
The Oscar buzz is already swirling around him in many articles including this one from the London Times.
Of course, the seven time snubbed O'Toole recieved an honorary Oscar in 2003. I loved his short but brillant acceptance speech.......
"Meryl Streep, members of the Academy, distinguished guests, viewers, ladies and gentlemen. 'Always a bridesmaid, never a bride' – my foot! I have a my very own Oscar, to be with me 'til death do us part. I wish the Academy to know I am as delighted as I am honoured. And I am honoured. The magic of the movies enraptured me when I was a child. As I totter into antiquity, movie magic enraptures me still. Having already bagged this baby, as it were, and so spared uncertainties prior to the opening of an envelope, I am able to think. I think of our colleagues, our old friends, now gone, who played their parts in this ceremony. I think of the sumptuous talents alive and well and with us now. I think of the astonishing young, the gifted and able young men and women who I meet practically every time I go to work – and from whom I grab energy in handfuls. I think of the United States and of the loves and friendships I've known here for more than half a century. And of how much the nation has given to me both personally, privately and professionally – I am deeply thankful. And now, at this last, you have given me this delightful shock!
You are very good. Good night and God bless you."
(O'Toole's acceptance speech after receiving his Honorary Oscar from presenter Meryl Streep.)
This past week, Peter gave an interview about how, coming up against the Academy's no alcohol rule, he nearly left the Oscars in search of a drink. Read more here