Last week, Seven came home from Wagville with a fever. We took him over to the vets and she prescribed Flagyl for him. After 3 days, Seven was acting as though he was drunk.... staggering around, falling over, eyes rolling around. So we looked up Flagyl on the web and found out it has some nasty side effects. Especially in animals with liver damage. Being on Phenolbarbital for his seizures can tax the liver. I was so angry and threw the stuff in the garbage.
We went out to our holistic vet in Norco (70 miles each way) and got the dog some herbs and his first acupuncture session. Two days later, we finally had a good walk this morning with no falling over.
I would have thought the LA vet who knows Seven and his condition would have been more on top of things. But I guess you always have to be vigilant.