It was a good Thanksgiving. A lot of family, shopping, eating. I needed an extra day or two in New Hampshire to get to everything I had wanted to do. Well, I just have to go back soon.......
My niece is working at a florist shop and made a stunning center table display. And the ancient china was unwrapped and washed.
The celebrations were not without drama though.....My brother's dog Splash ate a huge chunk of cheesecloth that had been on the turkey in one slurp. Luckily, one of our guests is a doctor and Ginny got her animal emergency kit. A huge syringe of hydrogen peroxide down Splash's gullet eventually brought up the offensive cheesecloth and everyone wanted a picture of the post belch spectacle.
The home dog, Cosmo, took the drama in stride and barely stirred. Not sure if he was unimpressed with the doctor's skill or just wanted a piece of that cheesecloth for himself.
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