Two things today are getting my blood boiling.
(1) For all the rightwingers that believe that being gay is a choice and biologically driven, comes this story from Oregon on attempts to change sexual orientation in the wombs of sheep in the hopes of someday being able to prevent it in humans.
Martina Navatilova has the story on this tax payer funded study
"OHSU experimenter Charles Roselli is drugging pregnant sheep to prevent the actions of hormones in their fetuses’ brains and cutting open the brains of rams he calls “male-oriented” (homosexual) in an attempt to find the hormonal mechanisms behind homosexual tendencies so that they can subsequently be changed. Roselli’s cohort, Frederick Stormshak of OSU, has surgically installed an estrogen device in rams’ bodies in an effort to alter “gay sheep’s” sexual preferences and make them heterosexual. According to the grant applications, the experimenters plan to extrapolate the test results to humans—with the insidious implication that homosexuality in people can be “cured.”
(2) "Influential US evangelist Reverend Ted Haggard has admitted to purchasing illegal drugs from a male prostitute, but denied using them, in an interview with MSNBC."
"The Rev. Ted Haggard admitted Friday he bought methamphetamine and received a massage from a gay prostitute who claims he was paid for drug-fueled trysts by the former head of the National Association of Evangelicals.
"I bought it for myself but never used it," Haggard told reporters gathered outside his home. "I was tempted, but I never used it."
So...... he requested drugs on multiple occasions but never used them.......Hmmmmmm.
What gets me about this admission is that in the hierarchy of the virulently anti-gay christian right, drug abuse is seen as a more preferable lapse then owning up to a gay liason. These people's hypocrisy is almost overwhelming.
MSNBC has the story.