Diana Rigg turns 70 soon and the
Telegraph has the interview.
"Today, Rigg seems to be regarded by audience and critics alike as the most daring, intelligent and inspired tragedienne on the London (and New York) stage. But it wasn't until she was in her fifties that she hit her stride, playing three award-winning leads in succession: Medea (1992-94); Mother Courage (1995) and Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf (1996). Rigg's performance as Medea was a career peak. She won a London Evening Standard Theatre Award and Tony Award for Best Actress. In it she played a vengeful wife who kills her estranged husband's children. Coincidental though the timing was, she had just separated from her husband. "
"She is a big Barack Obama fan and thinks John McCain is too old for the job. 'I know I should be saying the opposite because I'm the same age as him, but I do think his age will make a difference. At 70, you aren't as physically robust as you were. I don't think your mental capacities are as good as they were. The President should be a younger man with older advisers.'"
"When the drink arrives, she asks for another slice of lemon and says, 'I don't normally drink at lunchtime. I'm not saying that defensively, I just don't. And in the evening I never drink before six, an old habit acquired from my father.' She makes up for it after that, though, believing in 'red before bed'. A £3.99 bottle of Chilean merlot gives you the best night's sleep in the world, she reckons. It's like being hit over the head. She wakes up 10 hours later, feeling like a spring lamb. "