Doing a commercial this week with a fashion designer and his animated cat. We needed a 3D stand in for the post effects people to see shadows and lighting. I love this picture of pussy. Below, I caught myself in a monitor as the camera was being reloaded.
Follow new home buyer and horticulturalist Georgia T recently gave us a fine specimen of a felt tree. Not sure what the latin name is but it looks dandy in the front garden next to the hotlips salvia.
Rusty gets some last minute cues from his trainer before the cameras roll and he is acting with the the object of his wonderment, a hopping cardboard box.
We were recently on stage re creating a street scene in front of a department store Christmas window. Huge teddy bears, nut crackers and a large scale working train completed the picture. Man lifts with fans and fake snow added to the wintery effect. The outcome looked pretty good.
We have decided to replace the hall closet door and needed another cremone. The deals Amighini Architecturals have with salvage companies in Italy and Argentina guarantee a unique experience at each locale. Exceptionally friendly and knowledgeable sales staff makes the search for the perfect piece easy.
We spent yesterday in the Joshua Tree area shooting a new underwear campaign for you know who. We had to use ATV's to get to the remote set. We had a high powered photographer doing the stills of the boxer clad guys while Tristan (aka OSS117) guided us on the video production. The efforts should be in magazines, on billboards and across computer screens around the globe soon.
We got to Palm Springs this afternoon and checked into the Horizon motel. Designed by famed architect WilliamCody in the early 1950's. Seems to be low season cause I'm the only one at the pool. Tomorrow we travel early to Joshua Tree for our shoot.
We ventured into mid century great Modernica's warehouse sale this morning. WL was smitten with Saarinen's Grasshopper chair while I have always had my eye on the Papa Bear Chair.