I was working on a show for the Cooking Channel last week when we found ourselves at 7:30 am with a french fry food truck to shoot. Fry Smith has all kinds of fry toppings. My faves were a classic chili cheese and the Kimchi fries.
We shot yesterday in a very small but cool old Hollywood Hills home. The dining room was outdoors under an arbor of wisteria. There were two large hoosiers filled with glassware and china. But the very cool part was the pass through from the kitchen. A french door on a set of pulleys opens the kitchen to the exterior in an unusual and nifty way.
The new picture window got installed last week and I was able to get a coat of primer and 2 coats of oil on it before the rains started. It is now in the style of the other casement windows..... also soon to be replaced.
The sun broke out for a few hours yesterday and I went out front to do some pruning. There was a strange twig protruding from the rosemary and on closer inspection, it was a preying mantis with a freshly caught bee. It took less than five minutes to devour her. By the time I returned with the camera, half her body was gone. The rest of the garden is looking great but there are probably equal horrors taking place beneath the beautiful facade.