Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Seven Swims

We went to the mountains this weekend above Los Angeles with Seven. Being a city dog, he rarely sees big water. And he does not like ocean waves and salt water. So we took him to Lake Gregory and we saw him swimming for the first time. He went running after some ducks, plunging head first after them. He went over a drop off and sank. But instinct kicked in and he was able to doggy paddle back to us.
Afterwards, we were walking back to the car and Seven had a seizure. It was so terrifying to see him lose muscle control and shake violently. It lasted only a few minutes but we were so scared for him. And after it was over, there was no signs that it had ever happened. He was running and sniffing like normal.
We have been reading up on the web about these things and it seems over stimulation can bring on seizures in dogs. We will be taking him to the vet to get some blood work done to make sure it is not something more serious like epilepsy. But I love that he is a water loving dog and will try to get him wet again soon. But next time we will do it slower and not too crazy.

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