Friday, August 10, 2007

More Fox Studies

I think there are so many studies of Fox News viewers because America has never had a blatantly biased news outlet before. In most of the world, you read the newspaper with a point of view. The gamut runs from the communist Il Manifesto in Rome to the conservative La Parisien in France. American journalists, however, always prided themselves on objectivity. Think Walter Cronkite or Huntley and Brinkley. Until now.....

From Think Progress's post on the survey:

"Fully 63% of Americans who count Fox as their main news source say news stories are often inaccurate — a view held by fewer than half of those who cite CNN (46%) or network news (41%) as their main source.

Similarly, Fox viewers are far more likely to say the press is too critical of America (52% vs. 36% of CNN viewers and 29% of network news viewers). And the Fox News Channel audience gives starkly lower ratings to network news programs and national newspapers such as the New York Times and Washington Post…

For example, fully 71% of Fox News Republicans hold an unfavorable opinion of major national newspapers, compared with 52% of Republicans who use other sources, and 33% of those who are not Republicans."

Read the full report here.


Unknown said...

Thanks for the info on this study. I grabbed the info and put it on my blog as well. Figured it was relative.

Thanks for the research. Keep up the good work!

JN said...

you have a great site too! Lot's of stuff I knew nothing about will be leading me in other paths of discovery.
Thanks, John